Month: December 2011

  • Cambridge + Notting Hill 25 Aug 2011

    一直很喜歡古老的東西,古建築,古董,古鎮,凡是老的有故事的都是我的最愛。記得選大學是第一志願是港大,為的只是那Main Building。港大上不了,去了不舊不新的浸大。因禍得福,因為後來發現港大的生活應該不太適合我。這次和Steph到了劍橋,免不了羨慕那些每天在這些幾百年古建築裡上課生活的大學生。他們有的是傳統和非一般的歸屬感,還少不了的優越感。在這種如詩如畫的校院裡,難免特別開豁,腦筋靈活。所以說,貧者越貧,富者越富,就是這個意思。去劍橋當天下著毛毛細雨。其實我覺得這樣的劍橋才最有味道。


    Notting Hill的寶物
    第一次嘗試去Notting Hill,是和阿甘去的,走錯路,去了Kensington Park。這次和Steph在Convent Garden吃完早餐,我獨自去了Notting Hill market。 這是一個天氣特別晴朗的星期天上午,我跟著一批一批的人潮往Notting Hill market進發。滿街的古董店讓我精神為之一振,一般到這個時候我就希望擁有無窮無量的錢,因為我對舊的事物總是可看而不可得的。雖然我的錢不多,我還是找到我能負擔的寶物。買了一張1920年的南北極地圖,放在書房提醒著自己的夢想。經過一家店,聽到小朋友玩的樂器聲音很特別,問了一下,發現是沙漠地區的人用以求雨的樂器。那種聲音對我特有吸引力。買下來放在家,偶爾臨睡前聽一下,心情特別平靜,睡得更穩。掙扎了許久買不買Banksy畫作的消費品,後來還是覺得違背了Banksy的藝術本質,忍痛沒有買了。

    Day 1

    Steph and I finally got a chance to go to Cambridge together after planning it for so long. Thanks for booking the ticket and research online for the self-guided tour, Steph. I really enjoy our chat and our visit to Cambridge.

    Cambridge is definitely a beautiful university. The old campus, especially St.John College was very impressive. Some of the colleges were not open for public, so we could not see all of them. We envy the students in this university. It must be very enjoyable to study in such old buildings.

    like the stone decoration at the church!

    The Saturday market was not very exciting

    The very beautiful St.John College

    This gentleman was trying to stop us walking on the grassland because his friends were taking wedding photos. He then offered us some information of the college.

    The gentleman told us that students can get married at the Chapel in St.John College within 5 years after their graduation. It is the case of his friends.

    Love the vegetation on the wall

    The round church

    We visited a house of an art collector. It was a stylish little place. I quite like the way he placed the artwork and antique. It is an ideal house.

    We felt hungry at the mid-way of our Cambridge tour, so we sat down and had our coffee time. It was kind of a heavy chat, but I enjoy every moment spending with Steph.

    After our coffee time, Steph tried to ask if anyone knows how to go to the Chinese poet monument at Cambridge. We could not find it though.  

    Kongzi statue

    When we got back to London, Steph brought me to the very famous platform 9 3/4 at King Cross station. It was an interesting idea to set a platform as the Harry Potter one for tourists.

    Day 2

    Next morning, Steph and I had a lovely breakfast at Convent Garden. Then she went to her school to work on her paper and I headed to Notting Hill market.

    Notting Hill

    It was a wonderful morning to go to Notting Hill. The antique shops along the road were cutie. I just hope that I have more money to buy everything I like. At the end, I still got an antique map of south and north pole in 1920 and an musical instrument from desert area. I saw some posters and bags of Banksy artwork. However, I believe that it is against the belief of Banksy, so I did not buy any.

    Such a nice morning at the market, I was glad that I was finally there.

  • House Warming 20 Aug 2011

    又House Warming了,今次謝謝為我們準備大餐的Ringo,你實在太利害了!





  • Reinga and Eric LA wedding + Grand Canyon 5 Aug 2011

    This trip was divided in 2 parts.


    Part 1: Eric and Regina wedding


    Eric was my secondary schoolmate and Regina is his beautiful wife.  When I was flying to Peru for my trip in last April, I stayed at their home for transit and I really enjoy the stay with them. So, I decided to swap some day off to attend their wedding in LA.


    Some other secondary schoolmates also flew all the way to LA for them, so it was a small reunion as well. Thanks for letting me stay at your place, Eric! Poor you needed to sleep on the floor before the wedding.


    They got married in a cruise and it was a very beautiful venue. Everything went smoothly. The wedding was elegant and warm. Regina, I do enjoy your first dance, don’t think too much!!! Haha!


    The most surprising thing was that I got to talk to my “long time no see” friend- Derek. Thank you for driving me to the hotel and we could chat all the way. It was amazing to listen to his story since we did not meet up for so long. I wish you luck from now on.


    I just stayed with Eric and Regina for 2 days and then headed to my part 2 right after the wedding dinner.

    Winky the Pooh was suffering from jetlag once she arrived at LA!


      YLPSS reunion in LA!



    Part 2: Grand Canyon trip with Erin


    Erin was an exchange student in BU. When she visited Hong Kong, she stayed at my place. This time, I called her up before the trip and see if she is interested to go to Grand Canyon with me. She was so excited and flew from Seattle to LA for me. Thank you so much Erin!


    It was a very nice trip though it was short. I feel sorry for Erin as she needed to drive all the way from LA to Grand Canyon as I could not drive in the US.


    We started our trip in early morning and arrived Grand Canyon before the sunset. Then, we set our tent up at the campground (thank you for booking campground and bringing your tent Erin). Woke up for the sunrise next morning and went hiking a bit on the rim. We headed to Las Vegas in the afternoon and visited Hoover dam in the mid-way. Stayed a night at Las Vegas.  After spending a morning in Las Vegas, we went back to LA and I took the flight back to Hong Kong.


    It was a bit rush and I could not hide my hate toward Las Vegas. Sorry Erin!


    Erin and I got a chance to catch up a lot and I really enjoy the Grand Canyon part of the trip. It was wonderful to see it with my eyes finally. This is absolutely stunning. Grand Canyon is a piece of artwork from the invisible hand.  Camping at Grand Canyon and taking shower with time limit were very exciting experience. Of course, sunrise and sunset at Grand Canyon were breathtakingly beautiful!

    I hope I get a chance to visit the North Rim and have a 2-day hike down the Canyon next time.

      Here we go!!





      The moon is out!

    Must try, right?

    Our tent at the campground





    Small hike on the Rims




    Hoover Dam

    Las Vegas

    When I saw these castles, I said: Look at this, my god!
    Erin said: Winky, this is where we are staying tonight!!





  • Taipei 31 Jul 2011

    CyrusJade (我的社友)到台灣參加AYCcamp,提前到台北走走,碰巧我從莫斯科回來時間配合得了,我就去台北跟他們玩幾天。






    我是盧廣仲的粉絲。超謝謝Cyrus出發前查了Taipei LegacyShow,發現我們能買票看到盧廣仲的演唱會。知道這消息後我一直非常興奮,這變成了這旅程最大的期待。演唱會近於新碟發佈會,第一次聽他的現場演出,還把新碟的歌一首一首的唱,讓我感動得很。當他唱“梅西好朋友”的時候,可愛的字幕配合他的唱腔,我為他的那種純真和趣怪深深打動了。哪有人像他一樣想出這樣的歌詞?只有真正善良可愛如他的人才有機會做出這樣的作品吧!這也是他在我心目中無可代替的原因。他只是隨自己所想做音樂,他喜歡吃早餐,就寫“早安, 晨之美”。他不喜歡別人吵醒他,他便寫“別在我睡著的時候打電話給我”,他想作一首他爺爺聽得懂的歌,便有了“港邊男兒”。討厭蚊子,就寫了“蚊子”。隨手拾來,清新自然之極。每次聽他的歌,都覺得很溫暖,會心微笑。那你們應該可以想像我第一次到現場聽他唱歌,還是在台灣的激動指數吧!還有少不了他那招牌的:Yeah!































    我們三人去了Winnie (另一位社友)介紹的街邊大排檔吃蝦。Cyrus就在那個地方慢慢的跟我道出他這幾年的經歷(他有一段時間在社中消失了)。我聽著聽著,對這位社友有了很深的敬意。對於我這生存意志力偏低的人來說,如果他的事發生在我身上,我早就走了。但他還是熬過來了,好起來了,還當起我們的主席。




  • Moscow 27 Jul 2011

    I have been waiting for this flight since I joined Cathay. After almost 5 years, I was finally flying to Moscow. For this first visit, I chose red square, St. Basil on day 1 and Zagorsk/Sergiyev Posad on day 2 to go.


    In Moscow, people hate to hear English. They do not speak, do not understand and definitely do not have the patience to help you. So, instead of using my mouth, I used body language, pointed at the Russian in the guide book and even drew things out to express myself. Although it was very tiring to do so, I found a lot of fun in it. I am way more creative than I thought I am. This is the most memorable experience in my Moscow visit and it explained why am I so addicted in backpack travel (especially alone). I always discover something new, and most of all, a new Winky. When I finally arrived at the right platform and headed toward my destination, I felt so satisfied.


    I am always proud of Hong Kong MTR, especially after I visited other underground, e.g. Tube, Subway and Metro in other countries, I appreciate MTR even more. However, compared with the metro station at Moscow, Hong Kong one is very ugly. Every station at Moscow is decorated with wall paintings, carving and symbols of the communist party. They are all gorgeous under the lamp. Although I was lost in the stations for few times, I got to see different kind of decoration. See? I could never get to see these if I travel with the tour coach. 

    Day 1

    Red Square
    The name of red square is not from its brick color or communist meaning, but meaning “beautiful”. Indeed, it is a very beautiful square with all the historical buildings around it and the most beautiful one is for sure St. Basil. It looks like a candy castle in Fair Tale.


    Most of the beautiful architectures got a sad story behind. To make sure there is no church as beautiful as St.Basil, the king make the Architect blind. It is sick, but it is just a story may be.

    After visiting St. Basil, I realized that I did not have enough time to visit Kremlin. So, I just wander around the red square and it was a very beautiful day to do so.

    I felt very hungry after the long walk, so I found a restaurant and tried to order a Russian Borscht. I did not know how to call that and the waiters did not speak English, so I drew the soup out with red color. It works!!!

    It is completely different from the one I have tried in Hong Kong. The Russian Borscht was super super tasty. I love the soft cheese on it as it just matches so well.

    After the soup, I slowly walked to the harbor to take the sightseeing boat.

    How can I not buying it? You know me, earring addict!

    They are perfect for this seat!

    The weather was getting worse and worse while I was on the boat.

    Finally I was back to the pier and it rains like cats and dogs. It was impossible for me to walk as I did not have an umbrella with me (the sun was shining so hard just a while ago at the red square).

    I was totally wet when I made my way back to the hotel, but I had an excellent day.

    Day 2

    Zagorsk/ Serguyev Posad

    It was not easy to find the train station which supposed to connect with the metro station. After using a lot of body language and imagination, I finally found the train station. Then I had a really hard time on finding the right platform. No one could help me as they did not understand English. Finally, 2 lady soldiers brought me with them to board the right train and reminded me to get off.

    Serguyev Posad is one of the 7 Golden ring. It took around 2 hours to get there from Moscow.

    Sergeev Posad is the former religious capital of Russia and offers beautifully restored architecture, as well as a taste of what smaller towns in Russia are like. 

    In the mid-14th century, a young, pious man named Sergius wandered into the woods north of Moscow to begin a life of prayer and religious contemplation.  He was soon visited by groups of travelers seeking wisdom and miracles from him, which Sergius was soon known for giving freely.  Monks from the Orthodox Church soon heard of him and traveled to study with him.  The monks and Sergius founded a monastery that would become, perhaps, the most important in all of Russia. 

    How to Get There: 

    • Trains leave regularly (about one per hour) from the Yaroslavski Railroad Station (located at the Komsomolskaya Metro stop). 
    • Busses leave regularly from VDNH-VVC Bus Station (located at VDNH Metro stop).  Look for busses with “s.p.” (с.п.) written in the window someplace.   

    The market outside the monastery is very famous with its touristic goods. I heard that it is cheaper than the one in Moscow, so I bought a lot. hahahaha!

    The Monastery
    When I was in Moscow, I fell in love with the onion-top churches. St.Basil was very beautiful with its colourful paint. In Sergesy Posad, the golden and blue with stars onion-top were very eye-catching as well. Together with other towers and buildings in the monastery, it was great to see the harmony of it.

    Ladies supposed to have a scarf on their head to enter the monastery as a respect.


    I was walking around this old town after visiting the monastery and found some nice old houses.

    I tried to treasure my chance on getting the Russian Borscht. So, my second one is here!

    Slowly walked my way back to the train station and got on the train to Moscow.

    Lastly, I would like to show you all how beautiful are the decoration of the metro station in Moscow!

    Moscow is very unique and I cant wait to visit St.Petersburg and travel with Trans-Siberian Railway one day.

  • Dechen in town 24 Jul 2011

    A week after our trip to Bhutan, Dechen (our Bhutanese travel agent) came to Hong Kong for his business trip.

    We met up at a traditional Cha Chaan Teng to show Dechen the local food of Hong Kong. Lydia brought her mum with her and we had a very nice chat together.

    Hope to see you somewhere in the world again, Dechen.

  • Polly’s boyfriend- Angel in town 22 July 2011

    First of all, Angel is my sister’s Spanish boyfriend, not mine. I have to make it clear here.

    After 4 years of hidden relationship with Polly, Angel came to “meet the parents” finally. I promised him to be there when he first met my parents, so I stayed for this historical moment.

    It was amazing to see this scene and it reminded me the time when Kyle met my parents few years ago. Time flies.

    Dad was convinced that Spanish are not black people when he met Angel! Thanks God!

    As Polly and Angel cannot see the ocean in Beijing, they tried to go to as many beaches as possible when they were in Hong Kong, so I have a lot of beach time with them.

    Congrats Angel and Polly! I cannot wait to come to Spain for the wedding.